Men's Fund

The Men's Fund at PCCF

No event to go to. No chicken dinner. No fancy clothes. Guys (and ladies), you can make a difference and give back to our community without leaving the comfort of your couch!

Each year, the Men’s Fund at the Porter County Community Foundation awards a $5,000 grant to a local nonprofit. The remaining amount raised that year is endowed in the fund to help future generations.

Here's What You Do

  • Donate online by clicking the Give to the Men’s Fund button from wherever you’d like.
  • Feel great about doing something to help others.
  • That’s it! You can make a difference in Porter County without having to put on a suit and tie.

Grant Recipient Spotlight

Morgan Township Volunteer Fire Department

Protecting those who protect us and our community is so important. The Men’s Fund and PCCF were proud and honored to support these brave men and women of the Morgan Township Volunteer Fire Department with a grant to purchase personal protective equipment for the firefighters.

The Dunes Learning Center

The Dunes Learning Center used its grant to support scholarships to help students attend school year programs and summer camps. One student told PCCF, “You changed the way I thought about nature. It’s not just some place with a lot of trees and bugs, it’s our important environment.”

VNA Hospice NWI

VNA Hospice NWI is trusted by the community to lead the way with care, compassion, and comfort, making the best days possible. Their Men’s Fund grant supported VNA programs like hospice care, palliative care, Meals on Wheels, Medical Guardian alert system, grief support, and We Honor Veterans.

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